2016 Family Advent Devotional Booklet

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Advent is a perfect time to come together as a family daily and prepare for the coming of Christ. In the rush and worry of Christmas, we often forget to hear and see what God is doing all around us. Pausing, hearing anew the prophesies and stories of watchful waiting remind us what exactly it is we are waiting for. Sharing our thoughts, prayers, and joys with one another helps us all grow in faith and faithfulness together.

Attached is a easy to use advent devotional booklet written particularly for families with children. Each day, following the lectionary texts, families are invited to pause, pray, read scripture, and discuss together a variety of themes over the four weeks of Advent. Each week there are additional songs, storybooks and activities that draw families in to the traditional themes of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love as they move towards the day of Jesus’ birth.

The file attached has been laid out as a document for assembling as a booklet. Because of this when you open the file you will see that it doesn’t make a lot of sense if you read it as is – it is only when it is assembled as a booklet that it ‘reads’ logically. If you only want only one copy of the booklet, print out the file as a double-sided, short-side, 5 page document, and then fold it into a devotional booklet and staple on the fold (much like a bulletin looks). Or, if you want multiple copies of the booklet for distribution to your congregation, print it out as a single-sided set of 10 pages and then photocopy these using the double-sided setting on your photocopier, fold into a booklet and staple down the middle seam. If you are printing the file single-sided for photocopying you will see that the second page is blank. This page needs to stay in your set as it is the blank inside cover page and if it is removed all of the other pages go out of order.

If there is a problem please don’t hesitate to email or call me for some help (647-348-0879, torismit@gmail.com).

Enjoy this very special time together as you grow in knowledge and faith as you anticipate this great coming of Christ into our lives and our world.

  Click here for the Advent Devotional Booklet file

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