The Synod is committed to providing two staff consultants for the congregations and presbyteries of the Synod. Funds for these vital resources are allocated from the financial support received from all presbyteries in the Synod and a grant from Presbyterians Sharing. This funding covers the costs of the work of these consultants, allowing all congregations in the Synod to access their services at no extra cost. We are currently working on a strategy to ensure funding will remain in place for this ministry. The Synod also supports the Christian camping ministry at Camp Cairn.
Faith Formation
Is Christian education a concern for your congregation? Do your goals for education include every member? Would your congregation benefit from some training to better serve the Sunday school, youth ministry, mid-week activities, adult study groups, intergenerational generational worship and education and mission education? Dr. Tori Smit serves as the Regional Minister for Faith Formation for our Synod and is happy to come alongside your church as you consider how best to grow in a transformative faith. Tori is a diaconal minister and Christian Education Consultant with over 35 years of experience. She is at the forefront of emerging Christian education research and resources for all ages and areas of congregational life. Contact Us.
Congregational Development
Is your congregation in need of some refreshing? Are you wondering about your strengths and gifts as a congregation and how you might effectively equip individuals and groups to better lead one another? Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit is the Regional Minister for Congregational Health for our Synod and has served the church as an ordained minister for 35 years. He is qualified to help your congregation with leadership development, visioning for outreach, resolving disputes, raising awareness of church development trends and providing pastoral care. Contact Us.