Here are some articles and other resources for your congregation to aid with Christian education. This includes resources for adult Bible studies, children’s ministry, youth activities and more! Check out the Christian Education Archive for a full list of resources. Below are a few of our favorite resources for churches!
Children in the Pews Here is something positive about kids to put in the pew racks. The following is a text for a congregation to give permission and welcome young children into worship, put their parents at ease and remind the adults of the church about their role as faith-sharers in the ministry of children. Please feel free to copy this resource… Click Here to Read More
How to Teach “Leading with Care” I was privileged to see this light-hearted introductory skit highlighting the importance of the Leading With Care policy at Oakridges Presbyterian Church in London Ontario. Thank you to the author, Rev. Jane Swatridge, for allowing us to post this resource and giving permission to other congregations for it’s use. ~Tori Smit… Click Here to Read More
When Kids Ask Tough Questions Hey, Have I Got A Question For You! Why do we ask questions? We ask all sorts of questions in Church School. If we’re asking questions, why are we asking them? Some of the reasons are: to check in and find out what children have learned (or not learned)… Click Here to Read More