Thank you to Reuben, Katherine, Ben and Dan for gifting us all with your Camp at Home week of fun and caring chapel services. It has been wonderful to be included in your re-making of a cancelled church event into an online experience for families at home. Thank you so much!
We are all saddened that our in person, church gatherings have been set aside these last few weeks as we all do our part to flatten the curve of this coronavirus. Through newly imagined ministry moments, like these chapel services, we all get to love our neighbour the best we can by staying home.
Enjoy our last chapel this morning. Dance, sing, laugh and pray together.
Then come back to the synod site this weekend to download a daily schedule of camp activities led by the staff of Camp Cairn, our Synod of CNOB camp located just outside of Baysville, ON. From Monday to Friday, March 30 to April 3, 2020 kids will be able to check in to a live feed of camp games, crafts, music, sharing and story-telling. See you there!