As our season shifts from a busy school year to quieter summer months, our families turn to the church for fresh ideas and enjoyable activities that will help them learn and practice their faith at home.
What will we say?
Find some helpful answers by joining this upcoming Zoom ‘Teach and Talk’ on June 17, 2020.
Family Faith Formation For the Summer Months
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
at 10:30 – 11:30 am ET
On this Zoom ‘Teach and Talk’ Tori Smit, Regional Minister for Faith Formation with the Synod of CNOB, will present three key best practices for families to celebrate, talk about, and weave faith and in and through their daily life. With each practice there will be exciting and easy to do ideas for families to play with during this summer of physical distancing; ideas they can take and run with, or use to open their imaginations to an endless array of possibilities. Together, we’ll also ask questions and share our thoughts and ideas before the meeting is done.
Ministers, Christian Education Leaders, Parents and Grandparents are all invited to sign up for this Zoom meeting.
Sign up by emailing Tori Smit, at torismit@gmail.com