Are you looking to take a short break from your regular Sunday school lessons to keep everyone engaged? Would you like to give your Sunday school teachers a bit of a planning break? Perhaps you’d like to supplement your Sunday school lessons with a mid-week email to help build a bridge between one Sunday and the next by providing additional, related materials. Or, perhaps you’ve been sending out devotions and activities over Advent and want to assist your families in keeping up their newly established practice of reading bible stories together and doing fun activities at home.
If any of this is true for you and your church, Illustrated Ministry is graciously offering eight weeks of free hybrid resources that begin on Sunday, December 27th, 2020 and take you to Sunday, February 14th, 2021. These lectionary-based materials could easily be used by Sunday school teachers, lending themselves well to a Zoom context. Or, they could be emailed to church households in advance of Sunday worship inviting people to reflect on that week’s lectionary text in preparation for worship. Or, alternatively, they could be sent out following worship to aid everyone in their continuing to reflect on the text each week.
Each Illustrated Ministry lesson is clearly and simply written for teachers and/or parents to undertake with little additional resources required. Leaders are able to become co-learners as they consider the posed questions together and do the activities included. Each lesson focuses on one of the lectionary readings for that Sunday, asks a few open-ended questions to discuss together, offers an engaging activity connected to the text, and ends with a printable colouring sheet for everyone to enjoy at some point that week.
I’ve received the lesson for Sunday, December 27th already and can share that it includes an end-of-the-year reflection on Psalm 148, a flashlight activity that opens a window on the vast universe God has created, and a colouring sheet page that reminds us that the very heavens sing praises to God.
If you are interested in receiving these weekly resources from Illustrated Ministry all you have to do is let them know. When you sign up you will very quickly receive an email acknowledging your request and then a follow-up email with a pdf of that week’s lesson plan. You will continue to receive a new pdf lesson plan each week following until the beginning of Lent.
Click here to be taken to the Illustrated Ministry sign up page for these free resources.
Thank you to Illustrated Ministry for once again freely offering hybrid materials to us during these these days that assist us in teaching and experiencing the great stories of Jesus.