Welcome to our Lent Garden.
Today’s Lent 3 garden is one of six Lent Gardens you will find uploaded here week-by-week during the season of Lent. The gardens have each been created for people of all ages to interact with over this season of as we journey toward Jerusalem and Holy Week together.
Begin your visit by first clicking on the link to the Lent 3 Garden found at the end of this article. This will open up a new slide that looks just like the photo found at the top of this article. The photo will not take you to the interactive garden – only the link at the end of the article will do that.
Once you have the garden slide opened, click on the open bible on the park bench. You will then be taken to a collection of daily bible readings, children’s bible story readings, prayers, and questions to think about throughout the week. Once you’ve got these devotions in hand, go ahead and click around the rest of the garden to discover so much more.
The itty bitty library boxes behind the park bench each unlock a video recording of a wonderful bible story for everyone to enjoy. The stories you view come from two of the bible story books listed in the weekly devotions.
The hanging flower basket will take you on a weekly adventure of garden musings and ideas with Kristine O’Brien, an avid gardener and thoughtful minister.
The guitar leaning against the tree sings out a brand new or much loved hymn or song that will connect you to our weekly bible story and theme. You’ll want to sing along with all of these talented musicians.
Do you feel like going for a walk? Click on the wooden door and walk into a world of labyrinth visits, reflections and finger labyrinth opportunities.
Is it time to be creative? The garden gnome reveals a simple craft idea that makes use of materials that you likely already have at home.
And when it’s time for something to eat, click on the picnic basket for a new recipe or two to try out at home.
Enjoy your time in the garden and don’t forget to return next Sunday for a new garden journey.
Click here to view the Lent 3 Garden which begins on Sunday, March 7, 2021