Have you experienced an interactive presentation slide recently, that when you clicked on an item on the slide it popped open a new window with a videoed song or bible story to enjoy? Or, perhaps it opened a file with a recipe or craft project for you to make? If so, you were interacting with a Google Slide.
If you ever wondered, “how did they do this?” then this article is for you.
I recently hosted a Zoom workshop for anyone who wanted to learn how to create Google Slides for themselves. At the end of our time together I promised I would upload a video copy of these instructions for them and for others who might wish to learn this art for themselves. This is what you will find here.
First of all you will find a link to a youtube video at the end of this article. In it you will hear a short introduction to how Google Slides might be used in educational ministry, and then view a screen share walk through of the steps you need to take to create a Google Slide for yourself.
You will also find a handout that accompanies this video that strives to walk you through, step-by-step, the process of setting up your Google Slide. When you see it – don’t be overwhelmed; it looks lengthy, but this is to ensure no simple step is overlooked. If you print it out and have it beside you while you watch the video it might better help you follow the steps I describe, and you can jot personal notes in margins.
If there is something I’ve forgotten to include, or a question you might have, please don’t hesitate to ask. You can reach me at torismit@gmail.com.
I hope you have fun creating a Google Slide of your own and sharing it with others in a Sunday school class, bible study and/or families for faith formation at home.