The Holy Week Slides Are Ready To Go!

I am excited to announce that our Interactive Holy Week Slides are now complete and ready for your church receive for uploading later this month. These simple slides contain within them 26 engaging Holy Week activities designed for all ages to experience the key stories of this very important week.

Our Holy Week slides make use of a Google Classroom platform to invite users to click open new windows to devotions, storytelling, music, crafts, and meditations. With a simple ‘click’ we are included in the cries of ‘Hosanna’ on Palm Sunday, find ourselves seated at the table of the Last Supper with the disciples, and brought into the garden of Jesus’ arrest, his trial and ultimate crucifixion. And finally, we reach that wonderful day of ‘Alleluias’ and our great celebration of Jesus’ resurrection.

If you’ve been using the interactive Lent Garden slides these past weeks you will notice these new slides look a bit different. For Holy Week (beginning with Palm Sunday – March 28, 2021) we have shifted to specific activities tied to each day of this week. Participants begin by clicking on the bible found on each slide to open devotions for the week, and then they will be invited to click on the two or three items found connected to that day of their visit. There is always videoed children’s bible story reading and usually two other activities for each day.

If you subscribed to the the Lent Gardens you should already have received an email with the links, screen shots and materials list for the Holy Week slides. If you didn’t receive this email last Friday, please let me know and I’ll make sure you get the files (

If you didn’t subscribe to the Lent Gardens, you are still invited to receive the Holy Week slides. These slides stand alone. Don’t think you have to take a pass because you haven’t been participating up until now – please say yes!

If you’d like to receive the Holy Week slides please email me at and I will immediately send you the links, screen shots, a materials list, and instructions for uploading this resource onto your church’s website, facebook page and/or emailing to your church membership.

This resource was developed by the Synod of CNOB (PCC) and Foothills Presbytery (PCUSA). We are delighted to offer it to anyone who wishes to have it for free. Pressley Cox (Foothills Presbytery) and I are thankful to the generous participation of storytellers, musicians and imaginative artists, crafters and liturgists who graciously sent their videos and files on to us to share with you. Enjoy – hear, see, taste, smell, touch and know that the Lord is good.

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