“Welcome back! We’re glad you are joining us for in-person worship. There are a few things we’d like to share with you before you come into the building; what to expect when you enter the church, what worship will look and feel like, and a few health protocols that must be followed by everyone.”
Many of our congregations are in the process of welcoming people back to worship in their buildings. This return to in-person worship will raise a number of questions by those attending regarding the public health protocols they will need to follow, as well questions about what worship will be like when they get there. It is always our church’s prayer that no one feel uncomfortable as they come to worship and by answering these questions well in advance we can put everyone at ease. Clearly laying out your church’s expectations while offering reassurance will avoid any misunderstandings and help people make an informed decision about their onsite participation.
A Welcome Back Video
Let’s begin with a reassuring word. Morningside-High Park Presbyterian Church in Toronto produced an excellent video in the summer of 2020 that was circulated over a number of weeks to everyone on their email list as well as posted on their church website in preparation their return to onsite worship last year. They are currently recirculating it for their building’s reopening this fall.
The video features two of the church’s elders, Kirk and Marc Dunn, and was filmed and edited by another one of their elders, Alex Fensham. Thank you to the congregation for permission to feature this excellent resource on our synod website.
Click on the video below to enjoy their gentle and very detailed explanation of what to expect when you come to worship.
You may wish to make a video similar to Morningside-High Park’s, or create something new and unique for your church. You are also welcome to link this video to your church’s weekly email or website while noting that it was created for another church. Don’t forget to include any additional and/or congregation specific information for your own church’s context along with the video if you reuse this one.
Public Health Posters
There are also a number of good resources available to help you inform your congregation of the protocols they must follow when they come to your church building.
These posters are from the City of Toronto for public spaces. You may want to circulate these to your members in advance of their attendance at worship as well as post at the entrances to your church building. Google Covid-19 health posters with the name of your region to find similar posters applicable to your area.
Click on the poster above to be taken to a media file you may use to copy this poster for use at your church.
Click here to be taken to the City of Toronto website with this poster.
Click on the poster above to be taken to a media file you may use to copy this poster for use at your church.
Click here to be taken to the City of Toronto website with this poster.
Click on the poster above to be taken to a media file you may use to copy this poster for use at your church.
Click here to be taken to the City of Toronto website with this poster.
As we come back to in-person worship and/or continue streaming worship services over virtual platforms it is our prayer that all will experience the love of Jesus through our worship together.