Alternative Options to In-Person Faith Formation and How to Adapt Your Existing Curriculum to Each

With thanks to Sigmund,

What will children’s faith formation look like at your church this year?

In light of the pandemic your church may have decided to put a return to in-person Sunday school on hold for now, or perhaps would like to offer another option alongside in-person classes to meet the comfort levels of all of the families of your church.

If you want to know what some of the alternative options are for your church to consider, what the pros and cons are for each, and how to adapt your curriculum to whichever option you choose to move forward with, I’d like to offer some help.

Join me over a one hour Zoom get-together either Wednesday, September 22nd at 7:30 pm (EDT), or Thursday, September 23 at 1 pm (EDT) to get some ideas and answers.

In our meeting I will explain classroom options such as Online Sunday School, Google Classrooms, Family Faith @ Home and Hybrid Classrooms. We will talk about the pros and cons of each and why your church might choose one (or two) over the others. I will also explain a variety of teaching/presentation methods you might choose to use with any of these alternative options such activity play lists, flip classrooms and resource drop-offs.

After that we’ll have a look at a sample lesson from a commonly used mainline Reformed Sunday school curriculum and learn how to adapt any existing lesson plan to whichever classroom option you might choose for your church.

If you’d like to attend either of these Zoom meetings (I will present the same content at both) just drop me an email at and ask for the Zoom link to our get-together. Let me know your name, church name, town and province (or state) and I will send you the link along with the sample lesson plan we will be working with during our meeting.

I look forward to walking with yours you consider your alternative classroom options.

Grace and peace, Tori

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