For many Palestinians, efforts to fight off COVID-19 have presented unprecedented challenges, as closed shops have robbed them of their livelihoods, adding to the already long-standing, deep injustices of illegal Israeli occupation.
“The situation in Palestine is alarming. On the economic side, people are desperate, many without work and having difficulties feeding their children.”
Nora Carmi is a Christian Palestinian who has worked for peace and justice her whole life.
She was born in 1947 in Jerusalem into a family of Armenian survivors from the genocide perpetrated by the Ottoman Empire. She experienced becoming a refugee, and since then she has faced the worsened situation for the Palestinians since the illegal occupation of the territories in 1967.
Everyone is invited to register for this Zoom event where Carmi where talk about the role of Palestinian women and their efforts to shape healthier and more just communities.
To register please email Katherine Allen by April 14 at