Introducing this year’s Advent Devotional Booklet for Families, Journey to Bethlehem.
On Sunday, November 27, 2022 we begin the season of Advent; the first season of our Christian year. And, as we anticipate the coming of Christ the Messiah into our world anew, it is good to prepare a way for our Lord to come into our homes and our lives. Daily devotions are a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus as we read the prophesies and stories that lead us to Jesus’ birth.
With this simple devotional booklet all ages will have the opportunity to light the Advent candles, read the scriptures and hear stories from great Bible storybooks that prepare us for the nativity.
This devotional booklet is available free for download by individuals and for congregations for distribution. The file for download can be found at the end of this article.
When you open the file for the devotional booklet it will appear quite mixed up. Don’t worry – everything is exactly as it should be. It has been laid out in such a way that it can be printed out as a 2-sided document with the short edge binding. Once printed out, just take the three, double-sided pages and fold them into a booklet much like a church bulletin.
If you are wanting to print and distribute a number of booklets, I recommend that you print out each page individually (this will give you 6 pages) that you can then feed through a photocopier for a double-sided document that can then be folded into a booklet and stapled together. When you print out these six pages you will discover that the second page is blank. This isn’t a mistake, feed this through the photocopier as well resulting in a booklet with the inside cover blank as a part of the layout.
Along with this Advent Devotional Booklet there will be an interactive set of Google slides called An Advent Living Room uploaded to this synod website within two days. Users will be able to click on the many objects found in the room each week and discover bible stories, recipes, crafts, and adventures to enjoy each week of Advent and on Christmas Eve/Day. Churches will be able to download the five living rooms from the synod website and then upload them onto their church website or deliver each week by email to church members. These will also be uploaded individually onto the synod website for people to interact with directly from the synod site.
When people use the devotional booklet and the Advent Living Rooms together the stories and opportunities for Advent grow. Of course each are also able to stand alone and participants can choose both or either option as they wish.
To download the 2022 Advent Devotional Booklet click here