Category Archives: Christian Education Archive

Thank you!

I thank my God for every remembrance of you, always in every one of my prayers for all of you, praying with joy for your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. (Philippians 1: 3-6 NRSV)

A Merry Christmas and a blessed and joyful New Year to you all. We are grateful for your ministry and your ongoing commitment to the gospel and to the church wherever you are. 

This is the last message that we will be writing for the synod website. At the end of December, 2023, we will be retiring from our ministry positions with the synod and transitioning into the next chapter of our lives together. This is the culmination of over 40 years of Tori’s ministry and almost 40 for John-Peter.

As we consider the trajectory of our ministry over the last decades we could never have imagined how far ranging our work would become. Nor could we have comprehended how our lives would be touched by so many people in so many ways. We are grateful for the care and love of friends and colleagues throughout the synod, the denomination and indeed the world. It is a true privilege to be partners in ministry.

As we retire, please be assured of our ongoing prayers for your ministry and situation. Also, please remember that even as the world changes, God is faithful. Paul writes to the Philippians from prison, not to complain but to rejoice and to offer hope. He speaks of his confidence that God’s good work would continue in the hearts and lives of the people of God’s church. And further he prays that their love will continue to overflow as they determine their future. Our prayer for you is the same; that the work of love and discernment will continue in you until the glorious day of Christ.

A Happy New Year and every blessing in your work for the kingdom

And this is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what really matters, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1: 9-11 NRSV)

In Christ

Tori and John-Peter Smit

Please know that the synod is in the process of making decisions about future staffing and this website will be a place to stay up to date on these decisions. They will be continuing to maintain the website for those who wish to use the resources posted here.

An Announcement from the Synod of CNOB

Dr. Tori Smit and Rev. Dr. John-Peter Smit

March 29, 2023


I am writing to tell you about upcoming changes to the regional staffing for the Synod. After serving as the Regional Minister for Congregational Health for 17 years, The Reverend Dr. John-Peter Smit has given notice of his intention to retire December 31, 2023. Dr. Tori Smit has also let us know that she will be retiring as the Regional Minister for Faith Formation at the same time having served in this role for 11 years.

John-Peter and Tori have had distinguished ministry careers, and in their roles with the Synod of Central, Northeastern Ontario and Bermuda they have assisted countless congregations and people. They will each continue to be very active in their roles until they retire at the end of December. They continue to welcome people being in contact with them.

While we will greatly miss them, and the expertise that they bring to their respective roles, we wish them health and happiness in this next stage of their lives.

The Regional Consultative Committee will be seeking input as we plan for the future. Watch the synod website for more information.

In Christ’s Service,

The Rev. Gale Macdonald Convenor
Regional Consultative Committee

What Will We Tell the Children?

Thank you to Wesley Tingey and for this image

It was a Good Friday service I will never forget. 

I was perhaps eight or nine years old and since children in my church rarely joined the adults in the sanctuary for any part of worship, my going to worship on Good Friday was a very big deal for me. I wanted to see everything that went on in this place, so I shuffled my stacking chair out into the aisle as much as my Mom would allow and then I craned my neck the remaining few inches around the man in front of me to watch all that was going on. 

Our minister stood high up on the platform at the front of the auditorium describing in vivid detail the specifics of crucifixion to all of the worshippers in attendance. In his hand he held a rusty railroad spike, pumping it in the air to give emphasis to his words. As he finished declaring that we, like the scribes and the Pharisees, were responsible for Jesus’ death he cast the iron spike with great gusto down the cement centre aisle of our sacred space where it ultimately landed under my chair with a resounding clatter and then heavy silence. For a minute or so I sat frozen in my seat, and then with a cry I ran out of the sanctuary and into the hallway where I collapsed in tears. I felt responsible. If I had not been so bad, Jesus would never have had to die. It was all my fault and until that moment I hadn’t known I had done such a horrid thing.


Interactive Advent Living Rooms, 2022

Introducing five interactive Advent Living Rooms for 2022 that have been created for everyone to experience during the upcoming season of Advent. When you click on various items in each Living Room you will be taken to a wonderful collection of stories, all ages devotions, recipes, outdoor adventures, songs, and crafts. This resource has been created for everyone to have fun while learning and marking our journey to Bethlehem.


Journey To Bethlehem: A Free Advent Devotional Booklet for Families

Introducing this year’s Advent Devotional Booklet for Families, Journey to Bethlehem.

On Sunday, November 27, 2022 we begin the season of Advent; the first season of our Christian year. And, as we anticipate the coming of Christ the Messiah into our world anew, it is good to prepare a way for our Lord to come into our homes and our lives. Daily devotions are a wonderful way to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus as we read the prophesies and stories that lead us to Jesus’ birth.


Faith Formation in a Post(ish) Pandemic World

How are you feeling?

Are you feeling overwhelmed as you consider the reopening of your Sunday school, youth group and/or mid-week programming for the fall?

I hear from many church leaders that they are.

This is absolutely to be expected given all that our churches have weathered over the past two and a half years as we have strived to provide all the programming and care we can during this pandemic.


Presbyterian Music Camp Celebrates 50 Years of Harmony

Congratulations to Presbyterian Music Camp!

50 years of music ministry is a wonderful reason for celebration.

The Presbyterian Music Camp would love to share with us all a taste of this transformative ministry. And, there’s no better way to do that than through the pictures and sounds of music camp over these last 50 years. Thank you to the Music Camp Board and to Rev. Angus Sutherland, a long-time camper, for sharing this wonderful video with us to enjoy and join in the celebration.

If you would like to learn more about the Presbyterian Music Camp and even join in the fun check out their website HERE.

Video: How To Choose Sunday School Curriculum Resources

If you missed the Zoom gathering on Curriculum Selection last night, were there but would like to review what was presented, or are wanting to think about your Sunday school curriculum options for the fall, here’s a video for you.

In this half hour recording you will hear about a process for narrowing down your curricula options from a curated list of wonderful Sunday school materials.


Announcing Two Zoom Workshops for Educational Ministry

Thank you to Mike Fox and for this image


Our churches have reopened and are now beginning to consider their educational ministry options for the fall.

In light of this good news I’ve been getting lots of phone calls and emails asking for help in two specific areas in particular.

The first has to do with Sunday school curriculum.


Let’s Take A Story Journey

“We’re doing a Story Journey tomorrow to go along with our church’s yard, garden and bake sale. We’re featuring Laura Alary’s book, What Grew in Larry’s Garden. We’re so excited.”

My good friend, Laura Duggin, minister at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Newmarket, Ontario dropped this into a conversation the other day. We weren’t talking about Story Journeys or garden sales at the time, so when Laura burst forth with this comment I needed to know more.

“Tell me all about it”
